The Experience of Theatre
How Theatre Happens
Directing Theatre
The Relationship Between Engineering
and Audience
-- Introduction
-- The Space
-- Technical Conditions
-- Climate Conditions
-- Safety
-- Theatrical Conventions
-- Performance Conventions
-- Style Conventions
-- Creativity
Technical Conditions
we only need the actor, story/script, and audience to actually do theatre,
but theatre artists/engineers have always been interested in finding
ways to enhance the experience. (This is a nice way to write that we've
always been interested in toys, great big toys.) Nevertheless, theatrical
artists/engineers want state-of-the-art technical conditions. Basically,
technical conditions meet certain needs.
1. Need to separate the theatre experience from
normal life events.
2. Need to gain money.
3. Need to achieve theatre as art.
4. Need in society to identify status.
5. Need to direct focus.
6. Need to fulfill audience expectations.
7. Need to be technically proficient.
8. Need to have several solution possibilities.
We can categorize technical conditions
the following way:
- manipulation of audience space
- manipulation of the stage floor
- machinery to place and move scenery
- manipulation of the physical theatre building
- manipulation of lighting
- manipulation of acoustics
- machinery to place and move actors
- machinery to conceal and reveal
© Debra Bruch 2005